Sunday, May 17, 2020

Types of Taxes

Let us begin by understanding the meaning of tax. Taxes are considered to be the “cost of living in a society”. Taxes are levied by the Governments to meet the common welfare expenditure of the society. There are two types of taxes - direct taxes and indirect taxes.
Direct Taxes: If tax is  levied directly on the income or wealth of a person, then, it  is a direct tax. The person who pays the tax to the Government cannot recover it from somebody else i.e. the burden of a direct tax cannot be shifted. e.g. Income- tax.
Indirect Taxes: If tax is levied on the price of a good or service, then, it is an indirect tax e.g. Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Custom Duty. In the case of indirect taxes, the person paying the tax passes on the incidence to  another person.

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