Sunday, May 17, 2020

Importance of Investment

Importance of Investments
Investments are important due to increase in life expectancy of a person, planning for retirement income, high planning for additional income due to high rates of taxation and inflationary pressure in an economy, the expectation of continuous stable income in the form of regular dividends, interests and other receipts. The following discussion provides an explanation of these issues.
1. Longer Life Expectancy
Investment decisions have become significant because statistics show that life expectancy has increased with good medical care. People usually retire between the ages of 60 and 65. The income shrinks at the time of retirement because the annual inflow of earnings from employment stops. If savings are invested at the right age and time, wealth increases if the principal sum is invested adequately in different saving schemes.
The importance of investment decisions is enhanced by the fact that there is an increasing number of women working in the organizations. Men and women are responsible for planning their own investments during their working life so that after retirement they are able to have a stable income through balanced investments.
2. Taxation
Taxation introduces an element of compulsion in a person’s savings. Every country has different tax saving schemes for bringing down taxation levels of a person. Since investments provide regular and stable income and also give relief in taxation, they are considered to be very important and useful if investments are made by proper planning.
3. Interest Rates
Interest rates vary according to the choice of investment outlet. Investors prefer safe investments with a good return. A risk-less security will bring low rates of return. Government securities are risk free. However, market risk is high with high rates of return. Before allocations of any amount, the different types of securities must be analyzed to calculate their benefits and their disadvantages. The investor should make his portfolio with several kinds of investments. Stability of interest is as important as receiving a high rate of interest. This book is concerned with determining that the investor is getting an acceptable return commensurate with the risks that are taken.
4. Inflation
In a developing economy, there are rising prices and inflationary trends. A rise in prices has several problems coupled with a falling standard of living. Before funds are invested, they must be evaluated to find the right choice of investments to tide over inflationary situations. The investor will look at different investment outlets and compare the rate of return/interest to cover the risk of inflation.
Security and safety of capital is important. Therefore, he/she should invest in those securities that have an assured and regular return. An investor has to consider, the taxation benefit decides the safety of capital and its continuous return.
5. Income
Investment decisions are important due the general increase in employment opportunities and an understanding of investment channels for saving in India. New and well paying job opportunities are in sectors like software technology; business processing offices, call centres, exports, media, tourism, hospitality, manufacturing sector, banks, insurance and financial services. The employment opportunities gave rise to increasing incomes. Higher income has increased a demand for investments and earnings above the regular income of people. Investment outlets can be selected to make investments for supporting the regular income. Awareness of financial assets and real assets has led to the ability and willingness of working people to save and invest their funds for return in their lean period leading to the importance of investments.
6. Investment Outlets
The availability of a large number of investment outlets has made investments useful and important. Apart from putting aside savings in savings banks where interest is low, investors have the choice of a variety of instruments. The question to reason out is which is the most suitable channel?
Which investment will give a balanced growth and stability of return? The investor in his choice of investment has the objective of a proper mix between high rate of return and stability of return to get the benefits of both types of investments.
Thus, the objectives of investment are to achieve a good rate of return in the future, reducing risk to get a good return, liquidity in time of emergencies, safety of funds by selecting the right avenues of investments and a hedge against inflation.

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