Before investing, investment management
should be done. Investment Management is a five step process. Following are the
5 steps of investment management:-
1- Setting the Investment Objectives:-
The first and the basic step for
investment is that the investor should set his investment objectives. These
investment objectives vary from person to person. For example for an individual
the objective may be to optimize the rate of return.
2- Establishing Investment Policy:-
Establishing investment policy refers to
the allocation of asset amongst the major allocated assets in the capital
market. The range of allocated asset is from equities, debt, fixed income
securities, real estate, foreign securities to currencies. Restraint of environment
and that of investor should be kept in mind while establishing the investment
3- Selecting the Portfolio Strategy:-
The portfolio strategy selected should
be in accordance and in conformity with the investment objectives and
investment policies. If these are not in accordance with each other then the
whole investment management process will collapse.
4- Selecting the Assets:-
The assets to be placed in the portfolio
have to be selected by the investor. This is the point where real creation of
portfolio will take place after the selection of assets in which to invest by
the manager or investor. That asset will be selected which will give best
return in available resources and which involves lowest risk. The assets can be
shares, stocks, art objects, securities, gold, property etc.
5- Measuring and Evaluating Performance:-
In this step the performance of the
portfolio will be measured in comparison to the realistic benchmark or the
standard set by the investor. Risk and return will be evaluated by the manager.
Measuring and evaluating the portfolio will give the feedback to the investor
and will in turn help the investor to improve the quality as well as the
performance of the portfolio of investment.
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